The Beauty of Letting Go

Peace beloveds! As always, it is my hope that this message finds you well. I have been doing so much shadow work, diving deep, working on being a better, more authentic me.

Recently, I have discovered the power of letting go- whether it be a relationship, an idea, a project…in whatever form “it” comes. I have determined that if a project, person, mindset, or action is not leading me to bliss, joy, and the creation of the life that I want to lead most, then it is not worth my time, energy, or attention and I must release it.

Recently, I reconnected with an old friend, who like me had decided to make some hard decisions and walk away from a few things. Talk about confirmation!

So, no it is not often easy releasing. It can be heartbreaking, bring up feelings of remorse, make you feel as though you are a failure because things did not pan out the way that you planned. But, beloved! Think of how freeing it is to disengage and loosen attachment to what is not serving the greater purpose.

Once I released, I was able to see how the situations and connections had hindered me in so many ways and I made the decision to choose better for me. I have struggled with setting healthy boundaries in the past and am honestly still a work in progress. But, I have made huge strides as of late.

Releasing requires taking inventory, reviewing where we are, who we are and determining who and where we want to be. Remember, life is all about choices. Are you making your chooses from a place of wholeness or from a place of trauma and codependency?

It is my hope that make the decision to release all that is not serving any purpose in your life. Scorpio season highlights the energy of letting go. Take inventory, remove, and move forward. You got this!

Until we meet again,
