Work & Risks

Supreme risings fam! I typically do not write this early in the morning but with the intense energy of the beautiful Blue Moon, I cannot help myself! I am finding myself more and more excited about the work that I have been putting into being a better me, my plans for business, and my personal relationships.

This past weekend, I completed training with Mecklenburg County Community Support Services. I am now a member of their Speakers Bureau. The work was intense but I met so many beautiful souls and I am excited about getting back into the community and doing worthwhile work. I am planning on volunteering with some other organizations soon and getting my children in on it as well.

I am also working diligently on the final, final draft of my memoir, Pieces of My Life.  This literary work has been sitting literally on my shelf for the past 4 years. There are many painful meories that I share but also triumphs, love, passion, suspense—it could be a damn movie in all honesty. It is my honest belief that I have to tell this story. The work is meant to help others and I know that it will. So, besides my volunteerism, my upcoming book , raising my awesome children, and continually working on self, I have not had tons of time to blog—my apologies. I sincerely appreciate everyone who actually reads my words and supports my page.

I have run for far too long. I am meant to do certain things in my life and many of which, I have dodged for years. Time is out for that. This year is meant to be a year of new adventures and challenges. I am actively pursuing things that frighten my soul. I made a promise to myself in 2013 that I would live my life on my own terms and would not play it safe. I have become comfortable so it’s time to shake my life up again! Ready, set, go!!


Are you ready??


Peace, love, & abundant light,


New Adventures

Greetings and Happy Sunday fam! I do hope you are enjoying today. Today is my beautiful oldest daughter Ayanna’s birthday. I can hardly believe that she is 12 today. She is so talented and sweet, but I digress. Yesterday, I took my first training class with a Domestic Violence Speaker’s Bureau in my city. I chose to sign up for specialized training in order to share my story, help others in those situations, and hone my speaker’s skills. I have a feeling I will gain so much more.

The first day was inspiring and overwhelming. There are parts of my life experiences that I have buried and strive not to think about at all. I was absolutely fine until we participated in a role-playing exercise in which one of my fellow trainees acted as a victim and we were her “support system”. We all had to read a statement and then turn our backs. We were pastors, family members, social workers, etc. And then there was the portrayal of the abuser.  The acting was spot on and it hit my core like a volcanic blast. I was immediately placed back into the times when I was abused daily, lived in absolute fear, and almost lost my life. Some wounds, although healed, still remain raw.

Over the past year or so, I have focused, advocated, and taught self-care practices. The session made me realize that I must be more consistent in my own self- care. I took some deep breaths and re-centered. I remembered how awesome my life is in comparison to how it used to be. I am free to pursue my life as I see fit, to love, to move about, to sleep in peace. I remember the cage I used to reside in. The cage was destroyed years ago. I am overwhelmingly happy that I am doing meaningful work and living an authentic life. It is my sincere hope that I help others find their freedom. I fought for my life. And now, I am free. Finally.


Peace & Blessings,

Ashaki Ma’at Mirembe Ali